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#1185: Violet Fear

Item ID 1185 Type Weapon - Two-Handed Sword
Name Violet Fear Slots 2
NPC Buy 0 Weight 220
NPC Sell 0 Weapon Level 4
Range 2 DEF 0
ATK 315 Refineable Yes
MATK 0 Min. Base Level 80
Equip Location Main Hand + Off Hand
Equipable for Transcendent / Third / Third Transcendent / Third Baby
Equipable Jobs Swordsman / Knight / Crusader
Item Script

1 bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_METEOR,3,30; bonus3 bAutoSpell,WZ_FROSTNOVA,5,50; autobonus "{ bonus bIgnoreDefRace,RC_NonBoss; }",50,5000,BF_WEAPON,-1,"{ specialeffect2 EF_TEIHIT3; }";

Equip Script None
Unequip Script None
Description A huge violet Two-Handed
Sword made by fusing the
Twin Edges of
Naght Sieger.
Grants physical attacks
5% chance to ignore DEF
of non-Boss targets for
the next 5s.
Autocasts Lv.3
Meteor Storm
and Lv.5
Frost Nova when physically
attacking by
a low chance.
Type: Two-Handed Sword
Attack: 315
Weight: 220
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 80
Jobs: Transcendent Swordsman