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Malangdo: Clean the Ship (repeatable) Quest

Posted by Rueska on 26 December 2014 - 04:02 PM

I checked this one w/ my friend, some places don't spawn thief bugs (in my case it also didn't give some biscuits). Even though we have the Pick-up biscuits quests, we can't hand them in. Talked several times with Cleanyang and those 9 locations.


Oct 16 2015 07:35 AM
the iro wiki guide is outdated, or more like the quest is tricky.
Cleanyang talks about 9 places but there is actually 10, there is an extra place what they dont talk about. you go down to the 2nd basement floor of the Cat Gamer society and down there in the corner behind the "cat-wannabe sheep" you will find the extra spot that they dont talk of.
with that the quest can be finished without issues. and no, the amount of thiefbugs(or "quick dark shadow" as they call it) spawned and killed , or the amount of cat ship biscuits found are neither relevant, those spots dont spawn either with 100% rate and they are entirely unnecessary for finishing the quest. (technically you dont even need to kill the roaches, you could just leave them and let them pile up for someone else, which is quite the contrary to the purpose of the quest, but the script does not even care about that. )

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