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  • #000176

  • Fixed

  • 2 - Fair

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What's up with Ice Pick & Crit?

Posted by adeshark on 04 January 2015 - 06:14 PM

The Ice pick damage doesn't apply to crits at all, turning it into a hilarious situation where crit does less than normal attacks.

For this test I resetted my skills, so I have none. No double attack, no hand masteries.
Subject: Stalactite Golems
Click the images to enlarge

1. Dual Dagger comparison

The increase in normal attacks are obvious. 160ish to 340ish, but BOTH crits at around 230.

2. One handed comparison, this time using weapons with same atk power.

Same results. Funny how crits actually cut your damage in half.

3. Left hand testing because why not

So, what gives?

Another test, with full hand masteries and no double attack.

When crit buff procs, right hand damage goes down, left hand goes up.
It's like the damage bonus from Ice pick is nulled by crits.

Tested with another character just to make sure
Target: Dummies
Weapon Cowardice Blade & Ice Pick

CB: 330-350 normal hits, 491 constantly on crits

IP: 490-520 on normal hits, 494 constantly on crits

Same result as before, the crit seems to null the Ice Pick damage bonus

changed status to: Confirmed

changed status to: Fixed

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