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  • #000285

  • Unable to Reproduce

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Incubus pet bonus

Posted by neferefer on 31 January 2015 - 12:10 AM

I managed to tame an Incubus pet, and have tested its SP regen ability with my naturial SP regen disabled, and against a training dummy. It was evident that SP was not being drained. It was also not giving its +% bonus (3% on this server?).

Every specific mention of the Incubus pet online reveals that it should give its bonuses the moment it's been hatched. It's one of a few pets that give bonuses before reaching "cordial" intimacy.

Weird, perhaps some new patch broke something?

I remember that Incubus properly boosted max sp, but didn't give SP drain chance.
Though this seemed to be fixed, as every now and then my RG got his full SP replenished after an Overbrand.
Gonna test this issue when I'll be feeling well enough to play.

Also my Incubus is on loyal.
Get him to max intimacy and then check it, it's possible that all the online guides you read rely on exploiting a bug that was never fixed on officials, but it has been fixed here.

Edited by SlapZ, 31 January 2015 - 10:59 AM.

All pets effects only activate when "loyal" intimacy.

Incubus gives proper +5% MSP and a low chance to recover 5% of the DMG as SP.

Incubus activates at all levels of intimacy on official servers, but I won't protest if this change was made purposely. The in-game description does state 3% though, and when asked, Terpsichore seemed to imply that this was intentional.

Edited by neferefer, 31 January 2015 - 09:29 PM.

OK, he's now at Cordial - bug or not, his effect should be activated now. His SP bonus and leech aren't working at all.

Sorry to triple post (can't edit older posts), but half-way between cordial and loyal, Incubus' effects activated. Seems random. I don't disagree that the fact that its effects activate at any intimacy on official servers could be a bug, but the effect activating at a random point between cordial and loyal really does look like a bug.

changed status to: Unable to Reproduce

it's not random, but all pet effects/buffs will only apply once you get cordial. not after hatching it this is official behaviour.

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