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  • #000378

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Electric Shocker & Status Traps

Posted by Salad on 25 May 2015 - 02:52 AM

Electric Shocker
Electric Shocker on this server is draining 1% Max SP per second by skill level, up to a maximum of 5% Max SP per second at level 5. After Episode 14.1 Rebalancing, it was buffed to be 5% Max SP drain per second by skill level up to 25% Max SP drain per second at level 5. (!) The description in-game is reflective of this change, but the actual skill has not been updated.
Honestly, I think 25% Max SP drain per second at level 5 is ridiculous but as it is right now you have to max Electric Shocker to notice it at all, going from 5% at level 5 to 5% at level 1 is a pretty big change. Even at max level right now it is easily ignored with any SP potions. As it is currently it's hard to justify having the skill especially under GvG settings. Please fix traps and give me more reasons to remove Fear Breeze and Unlimit from my build!

Electric Shocker is also supposed to disappear instantly after triggering on a target.
10:50 in video, it is pushed onto a Sura

Currently on Leika it is doing a weird half and half in which it takes a few seconds for the trap to disappear (like Icebound Trap), but continues on with the immobilization time and SP drain until the trap duration ends (Stats seem to affect duration correctly)

Hunter Traps
It would be nice if the status causing Hunter Traps could also be looked into, because after some testing it does not seem like the base Status chance is 90% on this server with max level traps. It should be 90% for all status traps, such as Sandman, Freezing Trap, Flasher. This was tested previously here with a 1 in all stats character, and not even Freezing Trap seemed to be 90%.


changed status to: Fix Pending

changed status to: Fixed

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