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  • #000391

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FP: Suspicious damage, Catalyst issues.

Posted by ekakim on 06 July 2015 - 01:00 PM

I stumbled upon this few days ago. Is this intended? I seemed to deal a huge damage with this skill. At FP lv.10 it dealt around 34k dmg on Evil Druids (considering the elemental weaknesses) and around 17k-20k on mimics.


Here's my status window:

FP damage calculation acc. IROwiki:

Damage per hit (MATK) = 50 + MATK/5 (Ignoring MDEF)

As for the catalyst issue, i just found out that it does not require any after reading this topic:
I hope this will help.


Jul 06 2015 11:11 PM
Yeah, I know about the damage, seems like both rA and Herc are using a formula giving it a 2400% modifier for whatever reason, it's been fixed in the next patch.

As for the gemstone requirement, pretty sure I removed that time ago.

changed status to: Fix Pending

changed status to: Fixed

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