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  • #000043

  • Fixed

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Homunculus Eira - Light of Regeneration

Posted by dallashunter on 26 November 2014 - 02:14 PM


Currently, light of regen doesn't recover hp at all when you're resurrected. According to the first link, light of regen should works like token of siegfried, (completely restores hp/sp) but only the hp part, the sp part is left as it was before. In the 2nd link, it's said that the skill level determines the amount of the HP the player is revived with. So I think it's supposed to be like this, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100% HP for level 1, 2, 4, and 5.

Also in the first link, the buff is not supposed to be gone upon death, basically you can die, resurrect, die, resurrect countless times in the span of the skill duration. Currently, the buff is gone after the first death.

changed status to: Fix Pending

changed status to: Fixed

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