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Homunculus Eira - Silent Breeze

Posted by dallashunter on 26 November 2014 - 02:55 PM


Latest patch (the first link) changes the silence status the skill inflicts to normal silence, can be resisted with stats and doesn't work on boss type monsters.
The amount of HP healed also seems wrong. In the 2nd link, it's said that hunger effects heal amount by 5 per hunger. Currently, it heals fixed amount of hp regardless of hunger.

Nov 29 2014 07:53 PM
By latest patch here I meant latest update on homunculus eira in official.

It is currently inflicting the regular silence, just a different icon is used/declared.

As for the Heal amount, iRoWiki states is level-dependant, so I'd stick with that until official informations about this change (Those topic are much more discussions rather than confirmations).

changed status to: Working as Intended

Nov 30 2014 12:25 AM
Well, I very much doubt a regular silence can silence any boss type monsters/MVPs. Plus, if it was a regular silence, shouldn't my homun be immune to it with its stats being all above 130-ish?
Besides, discussion or not, that is the only latest information about the skill that could be found. If you look at the bottom of irowiki's silent breeze page, you can see that the page hasn't been updated since ages ago, in 2012. While the thread in the first link was created in last year.

Though, I have to admit Gravity changing it to regular silence makes the skill almost useless since everyone should have silence immunity at max level, but silencing boss type monsters/MvPs also kinda overpowered. Maybe you could make it stay with current effect (disregarding status resistance) but make an exception not to work against boss type/MvPs?

screenleika-ro055.jpg screenleika-ro056.jpg screenleika-ro057.jpg

Edited by dallashunter, 30 November 2014 - 12:27 AM.

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