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A little RO story.

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#1 kiba186


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 02:17 PM

Decided to share a little story with you guys.


Me and Aryan met 3 years ago by a complete accident, through a mutual friend, who added both of us to the guild on tRO.

We were just guildies for quite some time , even though there was obviously something more. But no one acted upon it, since one was from Europe and one from India . 


As the time passed, we started chating more and more and ended up spending most of the time on skype trying to make a long distance relationship work. 


Until one day, I grew tired of being in the Country I was ( Estonia, under Finland ), I quit my studies and my beloved work, Make up artist for Fashion shows and decided to move to India and pursue my happiness and started stuying Fashion Design.  


We're living together for over half a year now, we couldn't be happier !! We have the cutest pets and our love to play RO grew even more.

Together for 3 years , everyday we love each other more and more  and discussions about a wedding. 


The point of this story, Ragnarok might bring you more happiness than you thought!  /no1



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#2 Krain


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 04:12 PM

Cool story. lol

#3 Psor


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 04:55 PM

You fucked up.

#4 kiba186


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 05:01 PM

Care to elaborate?

#5 Psor


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 05:51 PM

You left the most successful baltic state for some blasian rape state. And you're on the way of polluting white genes with blasian ones. You're basically on the way to destroy the thing that helped you to run away from thing you were tired of in the first place: variety/diversity. If everyone mixed and settled in random parts of the world, there would be no other cultures to explore and watch. If you'd grow tired of living in such word, there would be no escape because every place would be the same shit.
Fuck globalism and cultural expansion. Let everyone preserve their own culture in their own place.

Edited because one sentence didn't make any fucking sense.

Edited by Psor, 05 February 2015 - 06:04 PM.

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#6 Aeryan



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Posted 05 February 2015 - 07:42 PM

Hey! Psor's a funny guy! xD Careful sweetheart, He's going to launch into a choreographed song and dance about the Herrenvolk anytime now /meow Oh by the way, Mein Sturmbannfuhrer, before you cart me away in the SS-mobile for polluting your white genes, what you're talking about is Globalization - not globalism. And it has relatively little to do with cultural expansion /hmm . Also, it primarily benefits western-centric notions of Culture to begin with, while largely replacing indigenous knowledge and tradition in favor of economic homogenization which would allow primary market players to better predict and invest in developing financial sectors. Simply put, it benefits you more than it does me. Maybe you should have spent less time marching to the tune of  Kampflied der Nationalsozialisten in basements, and paid more attention to the textbooks in school, eh? Also, maybe you should've edited more than a single sentence in that post. Just a tip from a professional writer. The logical discrepancies are driving me nuts.   /??  /gg


Bah, it doesn't really matter, does it now?  /meow  Que Sera, Sera.. xD 

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#7 Psor


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 07:43 PM

Oh, and one more thing: how can you study fashion design? Fashion doesn't sound like something that can be really studied.

#8 Aeryan



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Posted 05 February 2015 - 07:49 PM

Oh, she's actually quite awesome at it. And you're right, it can't be studied - it's an innate talent that you either have or you don't if you want to be counted among the greats one day. But you know how jobs are today - first pick of people with relevant degrees and so on. If you want something designed, let her know. Maybe a shiny, new uniform, eh? *nudge nudge wink wink*.  /meow

#9 Syncope



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Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:36 PM

Blasian is a term Psor just learned because I brought it up in-game. In short, you can ignore him.

#10 Psor


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:37 PM

Whiteknight bf to the rescue, made account with middle finger in avatar just for me. Thanks, I really like it!
Yes, globalization. My mistake.
Regarding the rest of your post, yes, cultural expansion has to do something with globalization. By shoving your stuff onto foreign market you make people use different language (because this shit has brands and other stuff in different language), use different clothing/stuff (using foreign goods), act differently (subconsiously learn from foreign movies etc). It comes to the point in which people can speak english better than their own language and know more about foreign culture than their own. People start to shit on their own countries instead of fixing them because there's this illusion of "american dream", "grass being greener on the other side" etc. And ofc running away is easier than actually doing something so people emigrate. And ofc emigration is bad, but that's different topic.

No, it doesn't benefit me, nor any other common folk as much as you think. It benefits international corporations, tiny amount of people sitting in the higher ranks. Such companies outsource labour into cheap shitholes like yours which equals less work in the west. Also if they can, they look for tax heavens to save as much on taxes (which could benefit common folk) as possible.
It's not shift of wealth from poor countries to wealthy countries, but from poor people to rich people. It simply makes wealth gap grow over time.
Also last time I checked, my country wasn't the one spreading its culture. It was one of those which are being culturally colonized.

Maybe you should have spent less time posing to provocative photos and trying to ridicule/insult people you feel insulted by, and do some more research on the issue, eh?

And regarding studying fashion:
When can you call something fashionable? When lot of people like and use it, or when you can see it at fashion shows? What if people won't be using the shit you show at fashion show? Why there's so many magazines and stuff which tell you what will be fashionable in the FUTURE? This shit doesn't make any sense. It has more to do with either bullshitting people that they need your product to be better, or predicting what they'll like, and both of those things are closer to some kind of sociology or psychology instead of just fucking fashion. Also what about tastes? We all know they exist. Can you really call something that people with certain taste like fashion? "Fashion" is much more unstable than tastes. It's just giant bullshit to make you think you're better by spending money on shit that doesn't really matter. It's comparable to that story with a guy who lived in robot world and every day when he woke up, he was dressing up like a robot to suit the rest "citizens". Then he realized that he isn't the only one who does that. After some research he realized there're no robots: everyone are just disguised people, suffering the same pain he did. This scheme is actually pretty common.

And yes, nice, Second Polish Republic style uniform would be nice.

But it's pretty accurate term. Compare Indians or Pakis to Japs or Koreans. On averange there's actually difference in looks.

Edited by Psor, 05 February 2015 - 08:43 PM.

#11 Scias


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Posted 05 February 2015 - 11:30 PM

Only Psor could turn a romance story into a political one.

Edit: Btw Psor, you are the result of mixed genes. You're not a single cell'd amoeba. (Assuming you're not trolling, which you probably are.)

Edited by Scias, 05 February 2015 - 11:34 PM.

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#12 Syncope



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Posted 05 February 2015 - 11:57 PM

But hes not trolling.

#13 Scias


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 12:16 AM

That's what I can't believe. To believe that stuff is basically to disregard macro-evolution, and somehow believe that humans as they are at this exact point in history are "pure", as if we didn't already come from other species already let alone mixed races, and that incest is the purest and safest form of reproduction that totally never results in birth defects.

This is the exact reason why most of us find asians sexy and our sisters/mothers not sexy gg. It's not a coincidence, it's evolution and the more diverse the parents, the more likely the offspring is intelligent and less likely to have defects.

But nvm he'll probably continue this with me in PM's because he'd rather be destroyed and humiliated in private like last time, instead of in public.

@original post: online relationships aren't my thing, but congrats

#14 Psor


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 12:42 AM

The difference is that cells are too primitive to have culture and chimp out like muslims and niggers coming to Europe. Go make road blockade and scream that we're burning coal alive, hurting stones in quarries and slice and throw potatoes into boiling water.

Also what if someone find asians weird looking, blacks disguisting looking and whites attractive, like me?

#15 Scias


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 01:35 AM

The difference is that cells are too primitive to have culture and chimp out like muslims and niggers coming to Europe.

Muslims are not a race. Black people are generally successful and cultured in our countries, like I said in our last PMs. All of these races demonstrably have cultures, and the only reason they are unsuccessful in certain situations is because of the situation. Go and live in africa without food or water and see how well your white skin hold up against the sun compared to black skin. We've been over this many times, and this culture argument is a different topic anyway, whereas before you were talking about genetics.

Go make road blockade and scream that we're burning coal alive, hurting stones in quarries and slice and throw potatoes into boiling water.

People of different races are demonstrable to feel and have sense just like white people. Just look at eryx today freaking out.

Also what if someone find asians weird looking, blacks disguisting looking and whites attractive, like me?

When I said about people not being attracted to their sister/mother, that doesn't mean all other white people. I can't believe I have to explain this.

Sister = a female family member with the same parents as you, and Mother = the female parent who gave birth to you.
Other white people = people of the same race as you but are not necessarily so closely related.

Hopefully you now understand the meaning of the two terms "Mother", and "Sister". They do not mean every member of your race. I enjoy your strawman argument pretending that's what I meant.

In short, yeah date white people, when did I say you couldn't.

Another definition you should be familiar with is the phrase "Most of us". which is what I said when I was saying how many of us are attracted to exotic people.

"Most of us" = the vast majority of the first-person demographic referred to.
"All of us" = every single instance of us, without exception.

Hopefully you now understand that when I say "most of us" are attracted to asians, or people genetically different (by the way this includes you, because you are attracted to white people outside your family i.e. genetically different), you will understand that I do not mean every one of us without exception. You hear of rednecks committing incest all the time. But me and you are the same, in that we both choose partners from outside our own family, because the genetic differences, even if not different enough to be a different race, make them more attractive to you.

I hope I don't need to explain any more basic definitions to you so that you will stop with strawman arguments and begin to talk rationally.

Edited by Scias, 06 February 2015 - 01:40 AM.

#16 Psor


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 02:38 AM

Yes, they're successful in western countries if they adapt to culture common among whites. You don't see those niggers imported to Sweden from Somalia successful, nor all those american niggers who are all about criminal stuff and speak their unintelligible version of english. Only peple who act like whites can be successful in white system without anyones help or without working as a freak/intended exception. And even then you can often see that someone would prefer someone similar to him instead of foreigner. I know I would put another Pole above foreigner if they offered me the same deal.
Their poverty isn't Africa's problem. It's their mentality problem. When Africa got colonized, there was no problem with lack of water or food. Lot of civilizations developed irrigation system long time ago, yet in Africa people from western countries still volunteer to dig wells for them because they can't do it on their own. Who knows, maybe they didn't need those wells, crops and other stuff to be happy in the first place, but now when they saw glorious white and asian civilizations they know there're things they like, but don't have and can't do.

Ofc they can feel and sense. That's why there should be no culture mixing and why your talk about cells is stupid.

Tell me where the fuck in "This is the exact reason why most of us find asians sexy and our sisters/mothers not sexy gg" there's anything about non-family whites? Stop moving goalposts. Besides it's a big claim. Google graphic "averange asian". Idk if you know, but couple of asian countries are in the top when it comes to amount of plastic surgeries just for looks. And not just boobs, or getting rid of signs of getting old like in Italy, but changing shape of eyes (making them look more "western"), noses, lips and other stuff. Google "countries ranked by plastic surgery" or something. Lots of stuff to read. It falls under tastes, but still to me averange asians look just a bit creepy. Do you even remember admin of the previous servers we played on? There were pics on the forum. She didn't look like one of those girls from shows.
I wouldn't have much against this if there was no base to assume that people might not know how really Asia looks.

And finally regarding evolution: do you realize that this

and see how well your white skin hold up against the sun compared to black skin

speaks against this

the more diverse the parents, the more likely the offspring is intelligent and less likely to have defects.

Evolution isn't about "put as much diverse genes as possible into one being". It's about adaptation to certain environment you live in. Adaptation to environment or changing it to suit you is the key to survival. Ofc primitive life wasn't able to form its environment as much as we can now, so it had to adapt. If mulattos are so superior, why there're no mulattos in Africa and Europe? Just fucking whites and blacks? That's because mulattos aren't superior. They aren't as goodly adapted to european cold winters and african sun as full whites and blacks are. Even animal breeders try to gain CERTAIN TRAITS that work well in CERTAIN SITUATIONS instead of just mixing random worhorses with raceing horses. Not to mention that some of those mixed childreen have identity problems because they don't fit in any group because, for example, asians think someone looks to white to be asian and whites think someone looks too asian to be white.
Really, there's lot of space between fucking your family members and racemixing. Extremes rarely are the best options.

Oh, and one more thing I almost forgot. If you ever wondered how big influence culture has, here's one pretty good example I remember reading: http://www.meforum.o...arabs-lose-wars

Edited by Psor, 06 February 2015 - 02:42 AM.

#17 Scias


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 04:38 AM

"You don't see those niggers imported to Sweden from Somalia successful" - You do see successful black people in sweden. If you need to narrow the example down to a particular type of black person from one particular place then you know you're at the bottom of the barrel.


"nor all those american niggers who are all about criminal stuff and speak their unintelligible version of english" - What, you mean like 50 cent, Jay-Z, OT Genasis, Jimi Hendrix, etc?


"Only peple who act like whites can be successful in white system without anyones help or without working as a freak/intended exception." "act like whites" what does that even mean. Painting themselves white? Or educating themselves using a system based on greek philosophy, arabic mathematics, and into a population of humans 100% descended from africans?


"And even then you can often see that someone would prefer someone similar to him instead of foreigner" - I agree with you that xenophobes/racists exist. But for every racist there is a multiculturalist.


"Their poverty isn't Africa's problem. It's their mentality problem." - The two feed off each other. Read up on white history over the past 2 milleniums. Us being white didn't stop us from being insanely retarded and imposing stupid ass rules. We didn't one day suddenly become white. We always have been for the past thousands of years. 90% of which we were doing stuff worse than black people are doing today. Secularism and reason saved us, not skin colour.


"but now when they saw glorious white and asian civilizations they know there're things they like, but don't have and can't do." - So how did the race of the whites/asians contribute to the irrigation? Was it the slanted shape of asian eyes providing better channelling for the water improving hydration, and the whites skin reflecting the sunlight off of the black people keeping them cooler? Or was it the education, knowledge and resources to implement plumbing and irrigation? You tell me.


"Ofc they can feel and sense. That's why there should be no culture mixing and why your talk about cells is stupid." - I don't understand your "They can feel and sense therefore we should not mix cultures with them" logic.


"Tell me where the fuck in "This is the exact reason why most of us find asians sexy and our sisters/mothers not sexy gg" there's anything about non-family whites? Stop moving goalposts." - They are exactly the same goalposts. Non family whites = genetic diversity. Other races = even more genetic diversity. I never originally said that you should not mate with the same race. However if you do believe you are genetically "pure", don't spoil it by choosing somebody outwith your family, become a redneck and start having babies with members of your own family. I'm sure none of them will have birth defects.


"Besides it's a big claim." - What, evolutionary theory, genetic flow and differences attract(known as exotic)? Yeah it's a big claim. It's pretty amazing actually, and the overwhelming amount of evidence for it and the fact that it is the scientific consensus.


"Idk if you know, but couple of asian countries are in the top when it comes to amount of plastic surgeries just for looks." - How is an example of an industry which relies on many different factors such as economy, technological and medical resources, fashion, culture, etc, anything to do with genetic diversity, and the problems you claim? For every jackie chan who tries to make themselves look white, there is probably several white people or other people, trying to make themselves look asian. You play ragnarok you should know this. Youtube "Mririan" if you want another example. In fact yeah, wtf are you playing ragnarok online, a game based on asian characters, and then you try to argue that non-whites prefer to try to look white, but not vice versa? I'm finding more and more reasons why naziism and white supremacy failed and doesn't have control anymore.


"but still to me averange asians look just a bit creepy" - sexy creepy? Is that why you play RO? (inb4 yes)


"Do you even remember admin of the previous servers we played on? There were pics on the forum. She didn't look like one of those girls from shows." - Likewise the girls you see with less makeup on don't look like the people on TV. I enjoyed your attempt at anecdotal evidence though.


"And finally regarding evolution: do you realize that this


and see how well your white skin hold up against the sun compared to black skin

speaks against this


the more diverse the parents, the more likely the offspring is intelligent and less likely to have defects.

?" - These are entirely consistent and compatible with each other. Having skin which doesn't shield harmful sunrays but enables more vitamin D with less sunlight, is not a defect. It is a difference, which works out better in less sunny places, whereas black skin works out better in sunny places. If black people for example stay indoors more now than they did in history, "white" genes may be beneficial in absorbing more sunrays and being healthier. (Although this is a prediction, not necessarily accurate, as natural selection is a description of a process which has happened, not an applicable method, which is how the nazi's misunderstood it. Ironically, where are the nazis now?)


"Evolution isn't about "put as much diverse genes as possible into one being". It's about adaptation to certain environment you live in." - I never said it was. However the worst thing you can do for survival of the species, is limit the genetic diversity. The more you limit it, the more you restrict the potential for change and adaptation. The world is changing. If we don't change with it and only reproduce with close people, we will not adapt enough. The only reason humans thrived is because they started to travel to different places, and even cross-bred with people from different locations and with different genetic flow (and even neanderthals. ^^ arguably this EU white race is more neanderthal than other races, rendering us the "least human" lol).


"Adaptation to environment or changing it to suit you is the key to survival." - And genetic diversity is the key to adaptation to the environment, as far as nature goes.


"Just fucking whites and blacks? That's because mulattos aren't superior. They aren't as goodly adapted to european cold winters and african sun as full whites and blacks are." - I agree with you that certain species weren't diverse enough to change quickly enough to environments, including rednecks from the deep south, enjoying being even less diverse than you. Me and you are exactly the same, in that we both choose diversity over identical DNA, which is why we both choose people outside of our family.


"Even animal breeders try to gain CERTAIN TRAITS that work well in CERTAIN SITUATIONS" - Yeah allsorts of traits, such as abilities in gun-dogs and hunting dogs, but they don't live as long and are much more prone to diseases. Cross breeds are generally healthier. Trust me I've owned  over a dozen dogs (and several horses). You need to breed them with diverse genetics if you want an actual healthy animal. Specific traits and artificial selection is different, and when not enough diversity is there, it actually results in less overall adaptation to the natural environment and more defects and diseases, even if it does result in a strong racer. Natural selection favours the fittest, not necessarily the strongest. Fittest meaning adapted to the natural environment. Things change when it's artificial selection.


"Not to mention that some of those mixed childreen have identity problems because they don't fit in any group because, for example, asians think someone looks to white to be asian and whites think someone looks too asian to be white." - This is a social and upbringing problem. Nothing to do with genetics. If you raise a white person in china, he will think that asians look normal. Besides this, for every person who things another race looks strange, you will find another person who thinks they don't. It depends on alot of things.


"Really, there's lot of space between fucking your family members and racemixing. Extremes rarely are the best options." - Extreme similar genetics are rarely the best option. But I've yet to see one example where genetic diversity has resulted in health or adaptation problem that inbreeding hasn't resulted in.


"Oh, and one more thing I almost forgot. If you ever wondered how big influence culture has, here's one pretty good example I remember reading: http://www.meforum.o...arabs-lose-wars " - Good. we can talk about cultre more later. I haven't read it yet, but I assume you are agreeing with me that culture plays a big role in how different masses of humans work, rather than what race they are. It's called "why arabs lose wars"? I would have thought it's because they don't have as much technology and weapons and their civilization is less developed, not because their arabian skin is weaker to bullets whereas white skin just makes bullets bounce off (I know you just psorgasm'd to that idea)


Edit: By the way remember that white supremacist bomber who killed a bunch of white people in norway, because he wanted to live in a world rules by white people as if he didn't already. So commiting this crime gets yourself put in jail right? Which is run by black people. Yeah, white people aren't always the smartest...

Edited by Scias, 06 February 2015 - 04:42 AM.

#18 Aeryan



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Posted 06 February 2015 - 04:53 AM

Wow, Psor! You've been a busy boy! As I said before, start editing more. 


By the way, No, the picture wasn't meant for you. It's actually rather old, and I look quite different now. But I know you've checked out my profile, so I'll take it as a compliment that I look 26 there xD My, my someone has a case of the I-Lurv-Meselfies for thinking I'd spend any time taking a picture just for you xD Or are you crushing on me? Be cool, I'll take a pic just for you and PM it to you, k? xD But, I like the white knight BF compliment - I thought, given your preferences and charming reference to me as a blasian you'd be calling me a black knight for sure, mein Sturmbannfuhrer. You're slipping, Hitler would be so disappointed  /shy . Since no one else brought up the question of rescue, particularly since my girl doesn't need rescuing, that tells us more about your state of mind than ours, hombre xD Man oh man, Freud would have a field day in your head. 


Also, it's rather impressive how learned people can sound while spewing nothings with just bile and gusto, eh? Genes are rather more complicated, and evolution singularly as a process is hell of a lot more complicated than that, my boy.  /heh  Phew, so much to explain, so little time. Doesn't matter, Challenge Accepted!  /slur


The purpose of genetic survival is not just to ensure adaptability to a specific environment, but to ensure optimum function across multiple environments as well. The African example itself speaks for that - the body doesn't just need to function optimally under extreme heat, but the extreme cold found in the same ecosystem if you remember (unless you've forgotten basic geographic traits of areas such as the Sahara). If you tell me that differences in temperature affect limited workings of a body, I need to contact your Biology teacher next. Also, genetically, diversity insures that the genetic pool can survive for longer without being corrupted because, as I'm sure you know (learned as you are), interbreeding within similar gene pools causes mutations within a few generations. Similarities in gene pools don't just come from family members y'know? That's a reductionist way of explaining "Don't marry your mother or sister 101" to neanderthals. For definitions regarding 'Mother' and 'Sister' Re: Post# 15 by Scias. 


Similarities can come from similar local environments in cases where people share genetic ancestry. The point of diversity isn't to avoid inter-mixing between two people who are 85% alike in their genetic makeup, but rather to minimize the chances of mutation through 5% similarity in genotype among two partners as well. That's why when a boy and a girl fall in love, and their genes are as different as day and night (rather than as different as night and ... later in the night), the chances of their offspring getting the best of diverse genetic pools are higher. Evolution is precisely about putting as many diverse genes as possible into one being xD. Because genes that affect temperature control affect both hot and cold. Black or swarthy skin just means that you don't get sun-burnt as easily as white skin, but it functions just as well in the cold. 


And it's Hilarious that you think you know what Asia looks like from Google and Forums xD By the way, there's a prevalent reverse trend on both sides of the coin. Some Westerners want to look more Kawaii, Just as Some Asians want to look more Western. It's a personal preference and nothing of a cultural trend like your words seem to suggest. If that were the case then global preferences on plastic surgery would tell some really interesting tales. xD


While animal breeders do try to gain certain traits that work best in certain situations (appearances, not genetics, by the way: Diverse>Limited even in this situation)- but we're rather different from the animal populace above and beyond our fundamental traits and functions. Also, I hate to correct you on this, many great racehorses today Are descended from famous war-bred horses in the past. Because race and war are Jobs, not genetic functions. It's like saying I'm going to breed a bunch of cute little tax-collectors. 


As for culture, you chose a particularly poor example to make your point. While the author certainly makes valid arguments in the case of cultural differences in the military, have you ever tried comparing the same information with other dominant military bodies around the globe? Most of it depicts how most armies function around the globe, including Euro-American ones as well. Maybe you should have taken less time trying to make a case of the Herrenvolk versus the Turbans, and spent a little more analyzing the information you just read? xD The basic point of that article was to Not stereotype and base your conclusions off of a passing knowledge of another culture. The author retains some validity because of his significant first-hand experience in the field. 


Also, regarding your original response to me - The American dream is pretty run down today, anyone with access to the Internet already knows that. And yes, the policies of Globalization have been set up so that the rich get richer. However, the money flow is from poorer countries to richer countries, after which it flows into the rich men's pockets. That's called Capitalism - Welcome to the 21st Century. You're just not important enough on the totem pole to get a piece of the direct action xD However, if you think you don't get any benefits, you're more unaware of the mechanics of trade and its related economic flow than I originally thought. New markets aren't in demand just because they allow the richer countries to send their goods to the poorer countries so that they can take over the native culture and ride the green-back boogie. It allows the richer countries to get larger access to natural resource pools and provide exports from such new markets to their own citizens too. So stuff like metals, coal, petroleum, etc. all flows from new markets to established markets as well (the largest source of funding to South American dictatorships). I Did do my research. It's my job. And I'm quite good at it. But I don't need to validate myself constantly by making it my signature  /meow


Also, no one has ever done research on you to find out whether and why you would or wouldn't find Asians specifically attractive. But, since I assume your point was about genetic diversity, the abstract of this post-graduate research student's paper alone should give you your answer - http://research-repo...dd2e3ebd8).html   


Educate yourself before you pontificate.  /no1

Edited by Aeryan, 06 February 2015 - 04:55 AM.

#19 Innomite


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 05:06 AM



Now Kiba186, never, under any circumstance, EVER ASK PSOR "Why?".

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#20 Scias


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 05:17 AM

in a way, though, psor is "cute".

Edited by Scias, 06 February 2015 - 05:19 AM.

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