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#21 Tesdey


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Posted 01 March 2015 - 07:39 PM

1 - Be extra wise for nerf, avoid to the maximum


 i think its better for Admins to change what they see is bad and remain the good ones instead of nerfing them. 

Indeed, this is the basis for many MMO's, WoW always guard their balance sheets for large patches or even expansions. 
Nerf is still a nerf, even you got a big reason, players are sentimental and crybabys and they going to conplain and leave, not everyone is a fedora no scope edgy guy cocky badass like many players of this server. Like the Green Salad nerf, there was a reason for the nerf, but was not completely necessary, only helped to accumulate more frustration among players in return for almost nothing, not a good deal.



2 - Make early PvM easier - Remake Matk monsters formula and nerf early-mid tiers MVPs
About Matk you have heard already, nobody likes to go lving and be raped by one-shot spells, Gazeti must be a S-class killer at this time.


About MVPs, people come from another server rapping scrubs MvPs, then they come here expecting it to happen, and not otherwise. 

What's the point of over-buffing shit MvPs? I can not see the "big plan" in this change, and I do not even hunt MvPs to be crying about it. Old MvP drop a lot of garbage, if the idea is to avoid drop of cards, I don't see the point, the cards are there to be droped, and from what I remember you even have banned some cards in WoE, then what the players problem soloing scrub MvPs easily? 



3 - "This is not carebearRO" but it should be. 

A information that does not to be clear enough for some people. Most people do not like being treated like shit

If you care about comunity growing, then you have to take care of you already have, GM's need to be extremely polite and friendly (WoW again shows how well this works), even when the player its a fucking retarded.


And that it's something that Terp need to redouble her attention. Since I entered the server, Terp seems to be the GM more active and who gives more support for server issues, however, I've seen arguing about insignificant thing with players in #main, and treatment with users is far away from polite and friendly. Do not take it personally, I know I've had my problems with you, but I really respect your work and dedication, only that your social skills are problematic if you do not have patience for this sort of thing I would advise to avoid as much possible discussions.

Edited by Tesdey, 01 March 2015 - 07:50 PM.

#22 Terpsichore



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Posted 01 March 2015 - 08:40 PM

I will try to throw my opinion, once again (hopeful my english can be understood properly).
I think the things must change, always: in better. Keep in mind improvement as must is necessary. Perfect server don't exist and will never do, but since we are playing a pserver we can reach a result that can be adjusted gradually (read: with multiple attempts) to let us enjoy the game in a balanced way. This means I think official RO is not balanced, I consider Gravity mother-imbalance itself. Why? Official RO is a game to generate profit, high profits ... if the game is balanced nobody pay to get advantage/re-balance the game. Here donations are for server bills, machine specs improvements, exclusive features implementation and such; I doubt Rikter, Terpsichore and Byte aims to get rich running this server. This was a needed introduction (cause of "original" statement, meant to be "official").

This is something I'd like more people to consider before throwing around the "officials" card, those servers revolve entirely around cash shop right now. The game was also made singleplayer pretty much as all content is soloable there.


Sometimes you just see people bitching about problems they can solve themselves or overcome by putting just a little bit more effort than almost no effort.

This seems to be the case pretty often as I see very small groups of players putting some effort into it and killing everything just fine while many are content with complaining and never actually trying.

Many people bitch about monsters being too hard and eventually quit because no other server has so strong monsters so they assume it's some bug or custom change.

The main gripe here seems to be MATK of mobs, with quite a lot of people believing this is a custom change or a bug, it isn't, the exact formula is not accurate (and will be adjusted soon) the damage will be lowered but that won't make spells not hurt at all like it happened with pre-renewal formula, mob spells do hurt in renewal, keep that in mind and prepare accordingly, there are plenty of gear options to deal with this. Getting some VIT is also a good idea, it's perfectly normal that your 0 VIT, 0 reductions hunter drops to a couple of spells.

I have a feeling that direction and goal of server isn't very precise.

The goal is to make everything as good as technically possible while bringing back things that the current level cap and skills took away, such as actual difficulty and MMO aspect, we don't want Leika to be another singleplayer server with wrecked economy. We didn't start working on this and spent months of our life to present another generic broken server that offers nothing of value and interest.


1 - Be extra wise for nerf, avoid to the maximum

Sometimes nerfs are needed as things are simply broken and there's no way around it.

2 - Make early PvM easier - Remake Matk monsters formula and nerf early-mid tiers MVPs
About Matk you have heard already, nobody likes to go lving and be raped by one-shot spells, Gazeti must be a S-class killer at this time.

As stated above the formula will be adjusted but people should get used to mobs actually dealing damage with spells, this is how it works in renewal.

About MVPs, people come from another server rapping scrubs MvPs, then they come here expecting it to happen, and not otherwise.
What's the point of over-buffing shit MvPs? I can not see the "big plan" in this change, and I do not even hunt MvPs to be crying about it. Old MvP drop a lot of garbage, if the idea is to avoid drop of cards, I don't see the point, the cards are there to be droped, and from what I remember you even have banned some cards in WoE, then what the players problem soloing scrub MvPs easily?

The plan was to make all those old abandoned MvPs that drop garbage and give no EXP actually relevant and worth hunting again, all our MvPs give a lot more EXP and drop additional loot. Is there any point in having "MvPs" that die to one anything and give nothing of value? They're there just for lone card hunters as there's no other reason to search for them. This change also directly makes Endless Tower more appealing, which in turn promotes parties. This is a constant work in progress and they're getting tweaked and adjusted to be challenging but doable and rewarding enough.
For a record, I'm actively monitoring the entirety of PvM aspect and taking player's feedback, it takes time to fine-tune things.

I could revert those old MvPs to their "official" state, so they would give no EXP and drop nothing of value (of course, they wouldn't be dropping stuff like enriched ores, kawaii coins, lockboxes and other additional loot anymore since they're effortless to kill). This is something I actually proposed to a few players but it seems like they want both all the new rewards and the old laughable stats and this isn't how it works.

3 - "This is not carebearRO" but it should be.
A information that does not to be clear enough for some people. Most people do not like being treated like shit.
If you care about comunity growing, then you have to take care of you already have, GM's need to be extremely polite and friendly (WoW again shows how well this works), even when the player its a fucking retarded.

And that it's something that Terp need to redouble her attention. Since I entered the server, Terp seems to be the GM more active and who gives more support for server issues, however, I've seen arguing about insignificant thing with players in #main, and treatment with users is far away from polite and friendly. Do not take it personally, I know I've had my problems with you, but I really respect your work and dedication, only that your social skills are problematic if you do not have patience for this sort of thing I would advise to avoid as much possible discussions.

I was actually way too polite considering the guy was insulting me and outright lying, I'm fairly positive he would have gotten smashed by a banhammer pretty much anywhere else, but we aren't like that.

#23 Psor


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Posted 01 March 2015 - 08:57 PM

List of customs when?

#24 Tesdey


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Posted 01 March 2015 - 10:58 PM



The plan was to make all those old abandoned MvPs that drop garbage and give no EXP actually relevant and worth hunting again, all our MvPs give a lot more EXP and drop additional loot. Is there any point in having "MvPs" that die to one anything and give nothing of value? They're there just for lone card hunters as there's no other reason to search for them. This change also directly makes Endless Tower more appealing, which in turn promotes parties. This is a constant work in progress and they're getting tweaked and adjusted to be challenging but doable and rewarding enough.
For a record, I'm actively monitoring the entirety of PvM aspect and taking player's feedback, it takes time to fine-tune things.

I could revert those old MvPs to their "official" state, so they would give no EXP and drop nothing of value (of course, they wouldn't be dropping stuff like enriched ores, kawaii coins, lockboxes and other additional loot anymore since they're effortless to kill). This is something I actually proposed to a few players but it seems like they want both all the new rewards and the old laughable stats and this isn't how it works.

Well if you are monitoring the PvM you can say better, but it dosnt seen apeel for me, 5% of enriched ores, chance of kawaiis coisn and lockboxes who need cash keys to open... meh



I was actually way too polite considering the guy was insulting me and outright lying, I'm fairly positive he would have gotten smashed by a banhammer pretty much anywhere else, but we aren't like that.

The problem there its that the player had a real problem, the mvp was teleporting (and FlashCombo explained).


So put in place in the player, which is someone who probably killed Satan on another server without him to do these teleports, which is something strangely bizarre that does not seem right. He comes here on the forum complain about and your first response is "please do not bring false information into this", unnecessarily doubting the player from your server, that really had a problem. I understand your perspective Terp, but this is not something polite.


Many people became angry with a response of these, well ... even I would get angry if a GM doubted my word. I'm not trying to protect Aegir (he is a asshole), but if you had not doubted him, and tried to see what was the real problem, much of the flame would be avoided and the player would feel less frustrated.


Again, a GM should pay the friendliest possible support to the user. This includes not be questioning the word of the user and try to throw truths in his face for him to get frustrated and you satisfied (yes, GM it's harsh work). 


And it is indeed possible to be friendly and impose authority together, just drop in and demand respect. What is something that is not imposed here, and in response you see this community full of cocky cancer players that do not show a single simple respect to anyone (unfriendly comunity), and friendly users leaving the server because lack of respect.

Edited by Tesdey, 01 March 2015 - 11:21 PM.

#25 Terpsichore



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Posted 01 March 2015 - 11:20 PM

The problem there its that the player had a real problem, the mvp was teleporting (and FlashCombo explained).
So put in place in the player, which is someone who probably killed Satan on another server without him to do these teleports, which is something strangely bizarre that does not seem right. He comes here on the forum complain about and your first response is "please do not bring false information into this", unnecessarily doubting the player from your server, that really had a problem. I understand your Terp perspective, but this is not something polite.
Many people became angry with a response of these, well ... even I would get angry if a GM doubted my word. I'm not trying to protect Aegir (he is a asshole), but if you had not doubted him, and tried to see what was the real problem, much of the flame would be avoided and the player would feel less frustrated.

I did though, and mentioned that the issue was most likely rudeattack, the default behavior of all MvPs, which was proven to be true yet he kept trying to shift blame.

#26 Psor


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Posted 01 March 2015 - 11:31 PM

No mercy for casual shitters.

#27 Tesdey


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 12:37 AM

No mercy for casual shitters.

And you will get a server with 80 hardcore fedoras with no comunity at all to play.

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#28 Psor


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Posted 02 March 2015 - 12:48 AM

I hope you aren't serious. If I really wanted that, I'd advocate for removal of dungeon warper, healer, build resetter (or slap few m price for it). Right now staff does really good job maintaining balance between casuals and hardcore players and I'm just spewing provocative shit.

#29 Koti



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Posted 04 March 2015 - 06:35 PM

Please accept my apologies for the bad english


The main gripe here seems to be MATK of mobs, with quite a lot of people believing this is a custom change or a bug, it isn't, the exact formula is not accurate (and will be adjusted soon)

 We hope that this will happen in the near future. I'm tired of fall with one blow. Shoutout Stormy Knight, who uses not known to me ranged attack with damage 25k and more. And not only he doing such wonders


The plan was to make all those old abandoned MvPs that drop garbage and give no EXP actually relevant and worth hunting again, all our MvPs give a lot more EXP and drop additional loot. Is there any point in having "MvPs" that die to one anything and give nothing of value? They're there just for lone card hunters as there's no other reason to search for them. This change also directly makes Endless Tower more appealing, which in turn promotes parties. This is a constant work in progress and they're getting tweaked and adjusted to be challenging but doable and rewarding enough.

For a record, I'm actively monitoring the entirety of PvM aspect and taking player's feedback, it takes time to fine-tune things.

Based on the situation, ET is not attractive and brings no fun (for me and my friend). 5th floor, MVP GTB, and utter bewilderment that Ranger at 130 luk and 100+ dex could not get over it. Even more surprised us that he has a sky-high 170 AGI. AGIup and he just beast
But its a 1 mvp... I can not imagine how much i need of consumables, stat food, tons of eqip with resists that would reach at least to Ifrit


For comparison

A few days ago, we decided to kill the dragon in the Hazy Forest. The first call on him to show our inconsistency. Me and my friend to farm consumables for two days. And we were very lucky with the murder of the dragon
2 days for 1 damn draco.... 


I could revert those old MvPs to their "official" state, so they would give no EXP and drop nothing of value (of course, they wouldn't be dropping stuff like enriched ores, kawaii coins, lockboxes and other additional loot anymore since they're effortless to kill). This is something I actually proposed to a few players but it seems like they want both all the new rewards and the old laughable stats and this isn't how it works.

Do not need so much to weaken them. But at least make them more accessible. Not everyone can gather a full party; many ppl plays in small groups. And they are quite happy, but only until the march on the MVP

Edited by Koti, 04 March 2015 - 06:36 PM.

#30 Aina


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Posted 04 March 2015 - 08:33 PM

One of the problems that I see with the overall community, is that they want to kill end game things/mvps with Edens Gears.


You NEED to hunt for all kind of items, cards, armors etc etc in order to not suffer with those things - this is why resist cards exists, but people seems to forget that. Some days ago I saw a Royal Guard crying because he couldn't tank a random MvP, in the end he was lvl 120 with Eden Gears pretty much. In 90%(sometimes people are right, coughStoneSkincough) of the time that I see someone complaning about "WOOO TOO STRONK" that is the case, or a Ranger trying to cheese something with Valuable Strats - portal cheesing - .


I have things that I don't like about the server, but of all, the lack of people is the highest. Leika is a server that is focused to a pretty specific type of players, and the server edits many things in order to maintain his -own- balance, finding players that actually want to play the game without 20m Arrow Storm or +150 Goku Sword[7] looks harder than I tought.

Edited by Aina, 04 March 2015 - 08:35 PM.

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#31 Terpsichore



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Posted 04 March 2015 - 08:42 PM

That's a good point, there are things such as alice and elemental armor cards, reductions, etc that are meant to be used. You don't need +20 naruto wings and 12 man level 175/60 party to kill bosses, you just aren't supposed to be doing it in eden gear (you still can to an extent though).

If you have valid feedback about some bosses being too strong, bring it up, just make sure you were wearing proper gear before attempting it.

#32 Psor


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 12:13 AM

Holy fuck, and I'm solo hunting GTB every now and then when I'm bored or something. Now I know why all those soloable MvPs aren't that hard to find. People like you can't even handle the easiest ones so they're most of the time alive.

Btw, pr0 tip: agi up can be countered with
>Dispell (sorc)
>Fiber Lock (sorc)
>Quagmire (WL)
>Slow Grace (performer)
>not sure about Tarot (performer)
>not sure about Clearance (AB)
>probably Banishing Buster (RB)
>physical skills that bypass flee (for example Acid Demo acording to iRO wiki, on ranger it might be worth checking Warg Strike)
>every fucking magic

But yeah, fuck support classes. I just want to play ranger or RG, the some other normally broken class and solo stuff. You don't even need big party for it. If it's soloable, even 2 player party can hunt it.

#33 Terpsichore



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Posted 05 March 2015 - 12:32 AM

You can't dispel or clearance mob specific buffs such as agi up, powerup, stoneskin, etc.

Which is the whole point of those mechanics, if something agi ups, you gotta use stuff that ignores flee.

#34 Psor


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 03:01 AM

You can't dispell power up but you can dispel agi up. Don't know about stoneskin. Been like that since like forever unless you changed it. I remember dispelling beelze and gloom in both pre-re and renewal. The same shit with defender, and reflect. Both dispelable. That's why I've been dispelling detale and randel before sura landed GFist on it.

And yes, it should be counterable with debuffs. It makes supports relevant and allows variety of party setups. Otherwise if some class didn't have buffs that boost damage, it'd be useless in PvM and you'd have pre-re "only 5-6 classes are relevant" scheme. Instead of "only gene can kill this shit" you can go for any damage dealing class + debuffer.

Speaking of debuffing in PvM, do monster stats affect strip formula? That giant atk debuff strip weapon causes could solve problem of "too high" gamage, especially if magic skills are also based on atk. Wouldn't be usable on normal monsters but on MvPs it'd be great. You can already use stripping skills on them, but if somthing has really high dex, chance would be really low, especially that base chance is just 30%. Slight change could make chasers really good addition in MvP hunting parties.

#35 Aina


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Posted 05 March 2015 - 04:11 AM

Quagmire can do the job in the case of NPC_AGIUP(http://forums.irowik...0027#post430027). Ofc this post has almost 6 years old, but unless the mechanic is changed, it can apply.


Some MvPs have the normal Agi Up, and others the NPC_AGIUP, I guess... because I remember using Cleareance on some mvps and people magically hit everything.

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