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  • #000147

  • Working as Intended

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EDP, Rolling cutter & Cross Ripper Slash

Posted by adeshark on 30 December 2014 - 06:46 PM


-EDP level 5 will multiply your weapon atk by 5 times, and your equipment atk by 4 times.

It ends up around 3x damage boost, which is fine.


-While EDP is active, The following skills will have their skill modifiers halved; Sonic Blow, Soul Destroyer, Cross Impact, Counter Slash
RC & CRS don't have their modifiers halved

It only gives around 1.5k damage boost.
Even if EDP only boosts atk & weapon atk, it shouldn't be that small.
Let's take my current stats. I normally hit monster for around 750 and my RC does around 3k.
RC's modifier is 300%, so it's close to that.
With EDP, if I hit around 2000, shouldn't it at least hit around 6000-7000?

A measly 8k boost
Here's a video of KRO GX doing RC with EDP:

It hits around 45k at the start, but near the end of video when he ran out of EDP (You can see the buff icon on the bottom right) it becomes around 15k
Which is around 300% boost, just like what I tested with the normal atks.
I'd test using iRO character myself, but currently it's maintenance.


Dec 30 2014 09:59 PM
Our RC and CRS get their damage mods halved as well.

changed status to: Working as Intended

May I ask what's the reasoning behind it?


Dec 30 2014 10:03 PM
For the sake of consistency since those skills are in no way weaker than CI and you could deal some absurd damage without this change.

With the way EDP works right now, as soon as you start stacking ATK and using properly refined weapons, the damage skyrockets to absurd levels, which is further amplified by ATK buffs.

Thank you for the explanation.
But shouldn't the same situation applies to the current Unlimit + AS combo?

AS already has an huge damage modifier, not to mention WW set increases it by 50% more.
Shouldn't Unlimit be tweaked in a similar fashion?


Dec 30 2014 10:43 PM
Unlimit already halves the modifiers of AS and AB.

Ah, thanks for that info.
I must've missed the memo on that nerf.

If the current one is already nerfed (hitting around 40-50k normally and 100-150k with unlimit), I really can't imagine what it's like before the nerf.

1mil+ AS dmg buffed with unlimit (sorry had to add this here for the sake of science!)

Now that's just plain crazy.
Thanks for the info, man.

For science!

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