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Issue Information

  • #000168

  • Fixed

  • 5 - Critical

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Highness Heal not working

Posted by neferefer on 02 January 2015 - 05:51 PM

Nothing happens when trying to cast Highness Heal. The targeting cursor appears after pressing the shortcut for the skill, or double-clicking the skill from the skills menu, but after clicking a target, nothing happens.


Jan 02 2015 07:02 PM
Elaborate further, works just fine for me.

I'm guessing it's fine for most people since this is a pretty big deal, and mine is the only report. It's weird, the skill just doesn't work. It's the only skill that acts like this, and I've got 6 characters.

I tried with dinput disabled, fullscreen and windowed, and a number of other configurations, and nothing helped. I haven't deleted anything from the RO game folder, and my PC is otherwise in good condition. This PC is running on Windows 8.1, and there are a few issues with the game related to that, but I'm not sure this is one of them.

Could you record the process with ROreplay? I have a feeling i know whats going on

Ok, never heard of ROreplay, so I don't know how to "watch" what I just made. I just went on and healed a bunch of times and tried to use high heal as well.


changed status to: Confirmed

this is actually a bug related to cooldowns not functioning correctly on Hercules. will be fixed ASAP but for now only a server restart can remedy this issue.

thanks. eagerly awaiting the fix

weird that i was apparently the only one affected

changed status to: Fixed

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