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  • #000315

  • Working as Intended

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Mental Stick

Posted by Scias on 16 February 2015 - 12:16 AM

The reduced cast time of Psywave seems to not work when I have a +5 Mental Stick equipped. As far as I know that's the only thing broken with it. Matk boost does work and draining 100sp on unequip also works. I've seen this same issue on several servers but on Cookie it worked as I would expect it to.

Edit: I might be noticing a very slight difference in cast time, but nowhere near 3 seconds, and nowhere near how fast it was in cookie.


Feb 16 2015 12:45 AM
Tested and it's working just fine for me.

I counted about 2.2 seconds with the mental stick, verses about 3 seconds without, making a difference of only 0.8 seconds, instead of 3 like it says. There is plenty more variable cast to be deducted as the fixed cast is only 0.6 seconds for lvl 5 psywave. So I know the variable cast time reduction hasn't been saturated/exhausted

I must be missing something then. Here's a replay of me testing it http://www.filedropper.com/mentalstick. Maybe int and dex affects this reduction or something. I'm not too experienced with sorc so maybe somebody can tell me.


Feb 16 2015 01:52 AM
The bonus is applied to the base variable cast time of the skill, try resetting stats and cast pwave with and without the staff, you will notice a big difference.

Obviously it isn't going to do much if your cast time is already fast.

Okay thanks for clearing it up for me

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