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Port Malaya Daily Quest bugs

Posted by Salad on 23 March 2015 - 05:21 AM

[MINOR] Cautious Village (http://irowiki.org/w...autious_Village)
  • Step 8 only requires talking to 5 of the 6 NPCs. Quest-wise this doesn't really make sense, but apparently it's bugged on iRO too.
[MINOR] Traditional Spiritual Protection & Impudent Girl (http://irowiki.org/w...&_Impudent_Girl)
  • The repeatable version of this quest does not require you to deliver Protections to the 6 NPCs again. It's actually more convenient this way, but I think it might be a bug?
[MAJOR] Get Rid of the Jejeling (http://irowiki.org/w...of_the_Jejeling)
  • Unable to do this quest. NPC says dialogue like you have already completed the quest for the day.
[MAJOR] Purified Bones (http://irowiki.org/wiki/Purified_Bones)
  • Impossible to finish this quest. Spirit Bones do not drop from monsters.
The daily quests are easy for a new player to do and give nice chunks of exp. Fixing the two quests allows them to be done concurrently with the others, resulting in an extra 6 million base/job exp per day.


Mar 23 2015 07:50 PM
Will be fixed with next reload.

changed status to: Fix Pending

Get rid of the Jejeling now works, Purified Bones doesn't seem to unless the drop rate is abysmally low?

Manananggal Card description is incorrect here. It displays as "Max SP -1% Recovers 1 SP every time a monster is killed."
I haven't slotted it to test but it would be pretty worthless if it worked as stated.

Not sure if this is intentional but there is no Bangungot Hospital F1 option on the Warper, could allow access after completing the quest?

Edited by Salad, 03 April 2015 - 02:16 AM.


Apr 03 2015 12:25 PM
Oh damn, I forgot to add a couple of variables to the bones quest, will be fixed soon.

Card description is wrong, it drains 1 SP per hit, corrected it too.

And yeah, I can add the warps to those instances.

After ~80 Jejelings, 50 Tikbalang Thick Spines (50%), 1 Tikbalang Card, and ~80+ other monsters while 0 bones, I think it's safe to say there's still a problem with the Purified Bones quest. It might be possible my characters are "stuck" because they tried to take the quest before and it's still in quest log? I'll check to see if I have any characters that don't have the quest already and test later.

I can't see if the warps are working properly as the instances require a big party, but I think there might be a misunderstanding about Bangungot Hospital F1. F1 is a regular dungeon map, while F2 is the instance. You gain access to F1 after the first portion of this: (http://irowiki.org/w..._in_Port_Malaya), and can proceed to F2 for the instance after. Presumably, you need to finish the Instance portion in order to gain access to the Sylph Cartographer warp. A warp option to F1 after gaining access to it would be much appreciated.

Thanks for looking into all of this so far.

Edited by Salad, 07 April 2015 - 02:08 AM.


Apr 07 2015 03:25 AM
The quest works but if you had it picked up previously it won't trigger, catch me ingame so I can fix it for you.

As for warp, I just changed it to only require the first part of the quest chain.

changed status to: Fixed

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