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Repeated use of Heaven's Drive Crashing Client

Posted by Singularity on 17 July 2015 - 12:46 AM

Using Heaven's Drive as a Sage repeatedly caused the client to crash. Example cited is from the location in which it was spotted.

Steps to reproduce:
1- Put together a Sage, Blvl 90+, with 5 points in Heaven's Drive and 10 points in Free Cast (all others at your discretion).
2- Travel to Rachel, and pull together 3-4 Roweens.
3- Cast Heaven's Drive in the path of the Roweens, continuing to walk thanks to Free Cast. Repeat until Roweens are dead.
4- Repeat steps 2 and 3 2-3 times.

Observed Result
After 2-3 groups of Roweens, the game client will typically crash.

Expected Result
The skill will cause the same effect every time - 5 hits of Earth property damage over a small area.

There does not seem to be an exact number of repetitions before it crashes, nor does there seem to be an exact location where this occurs more than others. Basically, it seems to just crash after casting a handful of times. Usually, the crash would occur on the second or third mob.

If any more information is needed, please let me know and I will provide it as soon as I can. Also, with regards to the format... well, I used to work as a game tester, and now I still have to write bug reports for the corporate software we use, so I can't stand to write bug reports any other way ^^.


Jul 17 2015 04:50 AM
After slaughtering 1000 roweens this way, I haven't noticed anything strange.

Client crashes are a rather rare thing, are you using our full client? If you installed lite over some old folder, you can expect strange things to happen.

Jul 18 2015 03:32 AM
I actually am using the full client.

Interestingly, I encountered this shortly before the big patch, and now that I'm back there as a Prof, I haven't run into it either (I was not quite back yet when I posted this). It's entirely possible that some weird thing somewhere was broken before but fixed in the patch, something seemingly unrelated... Well, if it works, then there's no problem!

It occurs to me as I'm writing this down here that when I crashed, I was there for the Eden hunting quest... I'll take another shot with that active (going to do it anyway) and see if that has any impact. If not... then I'll come back and indicate that it was fixed incidentally I suppose ^_^.

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Jul 22 2015 08:41 PM
Well, it looks like something in the patch made this stop crashing. I apologize for unintentionally leading you on a wild goose chase here... At least all is working properly there now!

Thank you for looking into it; I think it is safe to close this now.

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