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Issue Information

  • #000007

  • Fixed

  • 3 - Medium

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Rebellion Heat Barrel

Posted by Sky on 16 November 2014 - 06:02 PM

Rebellion Heat Barrel Level 5 reduces hit by 50. The skill description says level 1 should have -20 hit reduction and level 5 should have no hit reduction.

With Level 5 Heat Barrel active:

Without Heat Barrel active:

changed status to: Fixed

Fixed, fix will be available with next maintenance, including this:

-Fixed its damage bonus (need to be confirmed if it should be a damage bonus or an ATK increase).
-Fixed its hit penality.
-Fixed its ASPD boost.
-Casting Heat Barrel while it's already active wont refresh the duration.
-Casting Heat Barrel while Platinum Alter or Madness Canceller are active will end those statuses instead of failing (same for casting these two skills).

I forgot to mention when I posted this, Heat Barrel isn't requiring coins to activate when it should be requiring coins to activate.

Is there any confirmation where it requires coins to activate?

All that's stated is that it consumes all coins to activate, not that it needs them. Should get confirmation about this, and also about minimum quantity needed (if there's any).

I couldn't find any confirmation where it requires coins to activate yet, however I'll try to continue searching for more confirmations.
I must have assumed that when the description stated that it consumes all coins to activate, that it was a requirement for it to consume all coins in order to activate and that it needed them.

Problem is that we're just "guessing" things.

Could even be a leftover from previous description, as when the skill got created in its first version, the increased stats given was depending on the coins used upon casting (so yeah, 0 coints = no effect = fail). Bonuses got changed to be skill level dependant, but I have no idea about coins.

Would be safe to assume that it consumes all active coins and require at least 1?

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