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Issue Information

  • #000072

  • Fixed

  • 4 - High

Issue Confirmations

  • Yes (1)No (0)

Mission Board

Posted by KradKazumi on 19 December 2014 - 05:25 PM

This might be a known bug already, but I thought I might as well..

The Mission Board bugs when your kill count exceeds the needed amount.. For example, "Orc Skeleton: 16/15" or something to that effect.. Well, that's what I saw.. It happened to me twice.. Payon Dungeon Quest and Orc Dungeon Quest..

That being said, it might only happen when you're in a party.. It didn't go past when I was doing it alone.. So I guess the actual bug here is the um.. "kill sharing" thing..? If your party member kills one of the monsters required for the mission you both are doing, it still will be recorded even if you have completed it from what I see..

That's all.. Hope it will be fixed..


Dec 20 2014 12:49 AM
We aren't able to reproduce this issue but anyway, going to rewrite the board's code entirely soon.

changed status to: Confirmed

Dec 20 2014 11:30 AM
so what's the solution..
we'll be waiting for it to be fixed or?

mission board is non-vital. you can use the eden board quests we have for 99+ while we rework the mission board entirely.

changed status to: Fixed

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