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(Oboro/Kagerou/Ninja) Crimson Fire Formation - mechanic issues

Posted by Lyka on 24 November 2014 - 06:47 PM

Crimson Fire Formation knock back is a bit iffy on the server.

It doesn't matter what direction enemies hit it from, they are always knocked to the west side of it.

Enemies on the west side of it trying to go through it to the east etc get the correct behavior: trying to get through it but getting stopped until the tile they are walking through reaches its hit limit and dissipates, then going onto the next tile of the skill towards their target, getting hit...

The following images demonstrate what happens ingame on Aesir:



The following video demonstrates what happens on kRO:

It also seems to work like firewall on Aesir (a bit of knock back, enemies get through it reasonably slowly). On kRO it seems there's no knock back so enemies work through it a lot faster.

As far as I see from the Video, there is no knockback. The "slow walk" is due to animation caused by the damage.

in fact, on iRoWiki it doesn't state any knockback.


What's curious and that I just noticed from the video, is that the max hits before CFF disappears is calculated single-cell, and it's not common to the entire AoE.

changed status to: Confirmed

*Updated NJ_KAENSIN (Crimson Fire Formation):
Removed the knockback effect.
As Result of no-knockback, monsters will get damaged at a faster rate.
Note that the rAthena/Hercules current walk packet applies position lag a lot often after this change.

changed status to: Fix Pending

changed status to: Fixed

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