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Berkana Runestone (Millenium Shield)

Posted by xelfer on 22 March 2015 - 01:28 PM

Millenium Shield blocking effect have a freezing animation similar to Crusader's "Guard"
Which is buggy when you don't move or use buff. once frozen, you can't use target-based
skills which renders the shields useless because you become a sitting duck. even as you
move while the shield triggers gives you a 0.3 cripple effect while walking due to animation.

As far as i remember, the shield effect blocks like "Kyrie" which gives you movement freedom
when getting hit by long-range, short range and spells as supposed to be the purpose this barrier.


Mar 22 2015 07:21 PM
We actually reduced that effect greatly, it was way worse with default implementation.

Would need to rewrite the skill to get rid of it entirely, will look into it but it's going to take some time.

it actually works like that even on official proper training with animation canceling will prove to be very effective.

changed status to: Working as Intended

changed status to: Fixed

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