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Shadow Formation and Detection Skills, Body Painting

Posted by Salad on 20 June 2015 - 08:43 PM

Shadow Formation
Shadow Formation received a balance patch somewhere along the way that gave it a chance to be removed by Detection skills, based on its skill level. Currently, most stealth Detection skills do not work on it whatsoever when they should have a 50% chance of failing at most.
The only two Detection skills that actually remove Shadow Formation are Sight and Ruwach right now. So the list of tested skills that do NOT work are as follows:

Improve Concentration
Sensitive Keen
Phantom Menace
Earth Shaker

The wording I have seen for Shadow Formation and detection skills is "Such as Sight and Ruwach", this is semantics but short of testing on an official server, and based on game logic, any stealth Detection skill should have a chance to cancel it.?

Body Painting
This skill is not working on Camouflage whatsoever currently.

EDIT: Oops this is a Thief Subforum so this can go here anyways

Phantom Menace
Successfully detects players out of Camouflage but does not do damage portion for whatever reason

All of those skills unshadowform on iRO tested earlier.

changed status to: Fix Pending

changed status to: Fixed

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