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Crash during party play

Posted by LurchingElf on 22 June 2016 - 09:55 AM

if im on the same screen with a party member and either of us kills an enemy, the other player is going to get a crash("program stopped working"), also on certain occasions even getting hit will crash the other partymember's client.
but ONLY affects partymembers.
its horribly new. yesterday it was fine, if you can, please revert back to the earlier "mini"-patch status, because this is really game-breaking for people that actually want to play RO as an MMORPG.

further details:
Bishop-Genetic, Bishop-GuillotineCross, Mechanic-Sorcerer, Rogue-Biochemist, combo triggered the crash on getting hit both ways. tested in niflheim, cursed abbey, gonryun dun. clock tower
aforementioned combos trigger the crash upon slaying a monster with both basic attack and skill, with the sole exception of longranged magical attacks on the sorcerer. tested in cursed abby, clock tower, anthell, niflheim.
Bishop Royal guard combo triggers it only one way. the bishop getting hit or slaying an enemy results in crash on the royal guards side, but nor any skills, nor basic attacks, nor getting hit on the Royal Guard have managed to trigger crash on the bishop's side. tested in anthell and cursed abbey.
the type of enemy or the locations seems to not carry a relevance.

changed status to: Fixed

changed status to: Confirmed
changed status to: Fixed

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