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Party kills mess up Mission Board

Posted by Kat on 29 November 2014 - 10:40 PM

I did a [40-70] Orc Dungeon Cleansing board quest after maintenance the other day and, despite being within range and having all the necessary kills, the board wouldn't accept it; all it says is, "You didn't complete the mission yet."

What appears to have caused the problem was doing it with a party. Once a requirement was reached (e.g. 15 Skels or 30 Zombies), any of my kills wouldn't add to the count, but anything my partymates killed while I was nearby would. Lyka tried it out, too, and confirmed that it messes up with party kills.

Conversely, my friend said that my kills didn't add to her count, even though we were right next to each other. o.o

Btw, the @mission command is gone. Was that intentional?

Oh, I tried the Turtle Dungeon one with someone and couldn't recreate the party kill problem. I only tried the Orc Dungeon mission solo with no problems.
The issue has to exist as it actually happened, but I don't think it's as simple as having a party member push your kills past the max.

Edited by Vertygo, 30 November 2014 - 11:34 AM.

Mmh...could it be an issue releated to submitting a completed mission when you went past the level limit AFTER starting the mission? (Either you or a party member).

About @mission, that was part of the old mission board, the new one updates correctly the killcount so the command isn't included in the script.

changed status to: Not Enough Info

I managed to reproduce the bug.

The issue is with party support, but it's not really a "bug".

As the script is structured now, if you want to complete a mission with party members, EVERY party member must have that quest active, or it won't count kills for anyone.

We'll consider changing this by rewriting the script, but it's not really a priority right now.

changed status to: Unable to Fix

changed status to: Fixed

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