Report a Bug

Found a bug? Please report it! Here's what you need to know.

Double-check to make sure that you're reporting an actual bug. Remember that many things have been changed, and many old bugs/exploits fixed. Following in-game descriptions is a good start, the Wiki shouldn't be ignored either.

PLEASE NOTE: Critical bugs must be reported in private. Please send a private message to Terpsichore in Discord or through the forum if you believe to have found something which could be exploited.


Report Form

Copy this form filled out into our #bug-reports channel in Discord:

– Bug Report –
The Issue:


How to fill the form?

1.Pick one of the categories in bold

  • Scripts: quests, instances, NPCs, automated events, monster spawns, item scripts, monster stats and drops, status effects, combat mechanics
  • Skills: player and monster skills
  • Client: anything related to the game's client, such as its interface elements, visual/sound effects or performance
  • Website: any issues related to the main site and the forum
  • Wiki: incorrect information, broken links and so. People are welcome to register an account and help expand the wiki
  • Unknown: pick this category if you are unsure

2. Describe the issue:

Describe in detail what's wrong and why, as well as the expected behavior. In the case of script-related issues, try to provide a screenshot of the closest NPC dialogue window and your character's name.

3. (Optional) Attachment:

Screenshots, videos, etc of the issue at hand.