Rekenber Corporation

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The Rekenber Corporation is the largest corporation in the Republic of Schwartzvald, if not all of Midgard. What began as a small-scale research laboratory has quickly prospered as a research and technological conglomeration unlike anything that Midgard has seen before.

Roughly during the time of the Schwartzvald Republic's founding, the small mountain town of Lighthal was known only for its research and scientific advancement. One leading scientist, Zenit Zerter Lighthal, founded the Lighthal Laboratory, an annex of the Lighthal Scientific Research Center. The scientists spent years making various technological breakthroughs and studying various fields of science.

As the Schwartzvald Republic founded its own political and cultural identity, the Lighthal Scientific Research Center began to evolve its own identity. A Mr. Rekenber became the chairman of the organization in 560 A.W. and took over almost all aspects of the organization. As the Republic around him began to show the first signs of industrialization, Mr. Rekenber decided to apply these ideas and principles to the organization, and soon renamed it to the Rekenber Corporation. From there, the organization began to grow almost exponentially. They poured vast amounts of money into the village, the Lighthal research center, and the surrounding area, and soon enough, the corporation had built up the illustrious and highly modern named Lighthalzen.

Once the city had been largely constructed, the Rekenber Corporation invested even more money in to the Regenschrim Laboratory in order to study the secrets of life. The corporation spared no expense in creating this state-of-the-art facility, designed to be the crown jewel of the corporation. In addition, the corporation's advancements and financial investments in almost all things scientific led many scientists to sign contracts with the Rekenber Corporation for their research and studies. As a result, the Rekenber Corporation has been behind numerous breakthrough research campaigns and technological advancements. It is said that the Strahlenstein steam engine was developed in the Rekenber research facilities and that Strahlenstein almost single-handedly brought the Schwartzvald Republic into its industrial revolution.

The Rekenber Corporation, however, had many secrets hidden inside of its walls, some of which they kept even from some of their own employees and scientists. Perhaps the largest and most controversial secret was its study of life and Ymir's heart. It's believed that the Regenschrim Laboratory was specifically constructed to house the research involving Ymir's heart and using it to force an individual to transcend without having to receive a Valkyrie's blessing.

In 700 A.W., the famous sage Varmundt joined the corporation, developing an energy source in exchange for money to fund his work. Varmundt managed to create imitation pieces of the heart known as Rune Stones. The applications for Rune Stones soon became seemingly limitless, as various aspects of every day life could be improved upon by using them. It was only a matter of time before the airships were developed, using the power of the Rune Stones to travel across Midgard significantly faster than any other form of travel.

The Rune Stones, however, were not technologically complete. Varmundt disappeared mysteriously once day, vanishing without a trace. Even with all of the research notes and documentation they could find, no scientist of Rekenber Corporation could replicate the work that Varmundt had completed, let alone finish it. All Rune Stones, as a result, are unstable and their power lasts for only a relatively short time. It is said that these imitations of Ymir's heart are housed in a laboratory in Einbroch and that even more still are located within the holy ground of Sessrumnir.

Perhaps even more startling than the creation of the Rune Stones is the Rekenber Corporation's actual attempts at artificial life: the Guardians. No one is really quite sure when the development of the Guardians started, but these creations were the first forms of artificial life that anyone on Midgard had seen before. And they were designed to be significantly stronger than any normal human being. The Rekenber Corporation offered a partnership to Kiel Hyre, a man who had become famous for his robotics technology. He developed several versions of robots, each more advanced than the last. He soon became the sole provider of all things robotic for the corporation.


Hallen's Favor Quest

Thor's Volcano Base Quest

Cursed Spirit Quest

Rebellion Quest

How the Airship Works Quest

Bioethics Quest (Takes part in the Lighthalzen Bio-Life Lab, which seems to have restricted access; players talk to a guard at the main office to enter.)