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The following information pertains to the nine worlds of Norse mythology and how they tie in to Ragnarok Online. This is currently a work-in-progress.

Creation and the World Tree

Long before there was any ground, or sky, or any form of life, there was the gaping abyss called Ginnungagap, a place of perfect stillness and darkness. On one side of it was the homeland of elemental fire, Muspelheim. On the other side was the homeland of elemental ice, Niflheim. Frost from Niflheim and fire from Muspelheim slowly crept toward each other, eventually meeting in Ginnungagap. In the midst of the sputtering and hissing of element meeting with element, the fires of Muspelheim melted the ice of Niflheim. Ymir, the first of the godlike Giants, was born from the droplets of water from the collision.

Eventually, Ymir used his sweat to create more Giants. Generations later, Buri, the first of the Aesir tribe of gods was born and later begot a son named Bor. Bor married Bestla, the daughter of the giant Bolthorn, and they had three half-Aesir, half-Giant sons: Odin, Vili, and Ve.

One day, Odin and his brothers slew the Giant Ymir. From his corpse, they created the world of Midgard. From Ymir's blood they made oceans, from his skin and muscle they made soil, his hair became vegetation, his brains became clouds, and his skull became the sky. Four dwarves, one in each cardinal direction, continuously hold Ymir's skull above the earth. From his bones and entrails, a great ash tree sprouted, its branches growing large enough to support the very realms around it. Yggdrasil, the World Tree. Within its branches and among its roots, the nine worlds rest. The last piece of Ymir's body left was his heart. Odin shattered the heart, breaking it in to many fragments, scattering them across Midgard. It is said that these fragments maintain the world and fuel its growth and some even believe that they have the potential to regrow into a full, whole heart. The fragments alone are capable of immense and unfathomable power.

From there, Odin created the Normans, the race of man, and placed them in Midgard to grow and thrive.


The realm of the Light Elves. There had once been a way to access Alfheim from deep within Geffen, through a magical fountain. Most believe that connection point has been severed.


The realm of the Aesir. Ruled by Odin Allfather.


This world lies within the lands of Niflheim and serves as the location for the souls of those who died outside of battle. Ruled by Lady Hel herself.


The realm of the Jotun.


The world of the Normans, the mortal human race, and the setting for much of Ragnarok Online. It is said that daring adventurers can travel to some of the other worlds from Midgard.


The land of fire demons and Jotnar. It is said that Surtr (Satan Morocc) forges his sword here for the oncoming Ragnarok.


The realm of ice, snow, and the gateway to Helheim.


The world of the Dark Elves and the Dwarves.


The realm of the Vanir.