Open Beta phase has been completed.
Thank you very much for your help on reporting bugs and supporting the server with your ideas and suggestions.
During the next few days, we'll be completing some updates, fixed and will prepare the server for its opening as LeikaRO.
You may see the server online as we'll be logging in to perform a few tests, but only Game Masters will be able to access it.
When the server will starts, your account will still be there, but you'll have to remake your characters, items etc.
You will also be able to collect your rewards if you reached level 140 during the Beta phase, as well as Halloween items. The Beta Register NPC will be replaced with another NPC to do that.
All of your cash items will be deleted, and donation points will be entirely refunded. Your vote points will be deleted as well, but you'll get a boost of free cash points in return.
See you soon~
- dallashunter, ROWDY, Innomite and 12 others like this