Test Archbishop

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Class Title

Arch Bishop.png

Anecdote and general information about this class goes here. Filling the rest with lorem ipsum text for page length inflation as if this page actually had content.

Kitten ipsum dolor furball furball cat cat pet pet, pet furball videos cat. Cute cat cute cat pet cute kittens. Videos kittens videos pet pet furball kittens pet, pet kittens kittens cat. Videos videos videos furball pet cat furball furball. Kittens kittens cat cute kittens kittens cute, videos kittens cute pet pet videos. Cute pet cute pet videos videos, pet videos videos kittens pet cat furball. Kittens kittens kittens furball pet kittens cute. Cute pet pet furball cute cute videos cat. Kittens cat furball pet cat cat pet videos furball.

Furball kittens cute videos pet pet, furball kittens pet kittens pet cute cute furball. Pet cute kittens pet videos furball cute kittens. Videos kittens cute videos cute, kittens kittens kittens kittens videos pet cute.

Sub Title

This would probably be information on how the class functions in terms of in-game lore (Arch Bishops being higher ranking members of the church, being healers and warriors, divine agents, etc.) and other general flavor text. Kitten ipsum dolor cute kittens kittens pet cute furball kittens cute. Cat furball cute videos cute, pet furball furball furball kittens cute. Kittens pet cute videos furball, cute kittens videos kittens cat videos pet videos furball.

Cute pet cat kittens cute videos, pet videos cat cat. Cat kittens videos kittens pet pet furball cat videos, cat furball cat cat cat. Kittens pet cute cute furball videos cute videos. Pet kittens pet pet videos kittens, videos pet kittens cute cute furball videos. Cat videos kittens cute kittens pet, cute pet furball cat kittens. Kittens videos furball videos kittens cat cute videos. Pet cat kittens cat pet videos videos cute cat. Pet videos cat furball cute cute, cute pet videos cute videos videos kittens. Furball furball pet pet videos furball videos kittens pet, pet videos pet cat.

Arch Bishop art.jpg

Sub Title

Probably information on what players would expect to get out of this class, both playing as and with this class in a party, soloing, etc.. Whether the class is more skill dependent, party dependent, can right-click, can solo, etc. Kitten ipsum dolor cute kittens kittens pet cute furball kittens cute. Cat furball cute videos cute, pet furball furball furball kittens cute. Kittens pet cute videos furball, cute kittens videos kittens cat videos pet videos furball.

Cute pet cat kittens cute videos, pet videos cat cat. Cat kittens videos kittens pet pet furball cat videos, cat furball cat cat cat. Kittens pet cute cute furball videos cute videos. Pet kittens pet pet videos kittens, videos pet kittens cute cute furball videos. Cat videos kittens cute kittens pet, cute pet furball cat kittens. Kittens videos furball videos kittens cat cute videos. Pet cat kittens cat pet videos videos cute cat. Pet videos cat furball cute cute, cute pet videos cute videos videos kittens. Furball furball pet pet videos furball videos kittens pet, pet videos pet cat.

Creating a Class

General information on how to become this class in game. Probably more flavor text and then sub sections depending on the specific class for things like job changing, transcending, etc. Kitten ipsum dolor videos furball cat pet cute kittens furball. Pet furball kittens cute kittens kittens furball. Cat kittens pet pet pet kittens cute. Furball kittens kittens cat kittens cute cute videos cat. Cat kittens kittens pet cat, pet pet cat kittens videos cute cat. Kittens cute furball pet videos, furball kittens kittens cute furball cat cat videos kittens. Furball pet pet cute cute videos, cat furball cat cat cat. Cat kittens furball videos cute cat, pet kittens cat videos pet pet kittens. Kittens cute cat cute cat kittens kittens.

Cat kittens furball cute videos, videos pet kittens furball cute pet cute furball pet. Cute cute cat cute cat, furball kittens cute kittens furball cute cat furball cute. Cute kittens cat cute videos kittens, cute furball pet cat videos. Videos furball pet cute pet cat videos cat. Furball pet kittens cute kittens cute kittens pet cat. Pet kittens kittens furball cute videos pet cute. Furball furball cute videos cat pet pet. Cat videos videos, furball furball videos videos cute cute cat pet. Videos pet furball furball cute kittens videos cute, kittens furball kittens cute.

Job Change Guide

Information on job change quest, process, etc.


Information on any transcendent-special skills, benefits, etc. goes here.

Quick Build Guides

Build 1 Name/Type

  • Role: Stuff
  • Suited Environment:
  • Difficulty:
  • Stats:
    • STR: 1
    • AGI: 1
    • VIT: 1
    • INT: 1
    • DEX: 1
    • LUK: 1
  • Core Skills: High Heal-icon.png High Heal, Ancilla-icon.png Ancilla, Coluseo Heal-icon.png Coluseo Heal
  • Optional Skills: Adoramus-icon.png Adoramus, Clementia-icon.png Clementia
  • Preferred Gear: Something, Something, Dark Side
  • Preferred Cards: Out, of, References

Link to Detailed Build Guide Goes Here.

Build 2 Name/Type

  • Role: Stuff
  • Suited Environment:
  • Difficulty:
  • Stats:
    • STR: 1
    • AGI: 1
    • VIT: 1
    • INT: 1
    • DEX: 1
    • LUK: 1
  • Core Skills: High Heal-icon.png High Heal, Ancilla-icon.png Ancilla, Coluseo Heal-icon.png Coluseo Heal
  • Optional Skills: Adoramus-icon.png Adoramus, Clementia-icon.png Clementia
  • Preferred Gear: Something, Something, Dark Side
  • Preferred Cards: Rinse, and, Repeat

Link to Detailed Build Guide Goes Here.

Class Features

Class data information should go here. What kinds of weapons they can use, whether they can use ASPD potions, stat bonuses by job level, etc.

Class-Specific Feature Title

If a class gets a specific feature, such as riding a Peco Peco, or crafting something unique, this should be described here in separate sub-sections. The description doesn't need to be super detailed, but should contain a summary of the feature itself, any related requirements to use it, and any other miscellaneous benefits that can be gained through this feature.

Class-Specific Feature Title 2

If a class gets a specific feature, such as riding a Peco Peco, or crafting something unique, this should be described here in separate sub-sections. The description doesn't need to be super detailed, but should contain a summary of the feature itself, any related requirements to use it, and any other miscellaneous benefits that can be gained through this feature.


Skill Description Levels SP Cast Time Cool down Type
Adoramus-icon.png Adoramus
Deals Holy magical damage to a single foe (MATK * 6~15 * (BaseLV / 100)), inflicts Blindness by a certain chance and reduces target's AGI by 3~12.
Consumes a Blue Gemstone unless adjacent to an Acolyte-class character.
10 20~56 0F + 2V 2 (0.5) Offensive
Ancilla-icon.png Ancilla
Creates 1 Ancilla used for several other Arch Bishop skills. Ancilla recovers 15% SP when used.
Consumes a Blue Gemstone. Can carry a maximum of 3 ancillas.
1 30% 1 Active
Cantocandidus-icon.png Cantocandidus
Casts highest level of Increase AGI learned on party members in a 3/7/15-cell radius around you.
Additional +1 AGI per 10 Job Levels.
3 ?/?/240 1F + 3V Supportive
Clearance-icon.png Clearance
Has a 68~100% chance to remove a variety of Status Effects and buffs. Cannot target self or hostile players. 5 54~78 0F + 5V 10 Active
Clementia-icon.png Clementia
Casts highest level of Blessing learned on party members in a 3/7/15-cell radius around you.
Additional +1 bonus stat per 10 Job Levels.
3 ?/?/360 1F + 3V Supportive
Coluseo Heal-icon.png Coluseo Heal
Casts highest level of Heal learned on party members in a 3/7/15-cell radius around you.
+2.5% bonus healing for each party member affected.
3 ?/?/240 1F + 3V 2 Supportive
Duple Light-icon.png Duple Light
For 90~360 seconds, 12~30% chance of inflicting either ATK*1.1~2 damage (with your weapon's element) or MATK*2.2~4 neutral element magic damage on each successful non-skill melee attack. 10 55~100 2F + 2V Active
Epiclesis-icon.png Epiclesis
Resurrect friendly dead players in a 5x5 area on the ground. Enchants that area with a holy tree for 18~30 seconds.
Increases maximum HP by 5~25%, restores 3~5% HP and 2~4% SP every 3 seconds. and uncloaks hidden creatures every 5 seconds.
Does not affect Undead players. Requires 1 Holy Water and 1 Ancilla.
5 300 2F + 0.5~2.5V 60 Supportive
Eucharistica-icon.png Eucharistica
Increase attack power and resistance against Demons and Shadow monsters by 1~10% each. 10 Passive
Expiatio-icon.png Expiatio
Target's attacks has 5~25% defense bypassing for 30~150 seconds. 5 35~55 1F + 1V Supportive
High Heal-icon.png High Heal
Heals target with 2~3.2x power. 5 70~190 0F + 1V 3 Supportive
Judex-icon.png Judex
Deals Holy magic damage to target foe and its adjacent foes within 3x3 area (MATK * 3~4 * (Base Level / 100)). 5 20~32 2.5 (0.5) Offensive
Lauda Agnus-icon.png Lauda Agnus
50~80% chance to remove Frozen, Stone, Blind, Freezing, Crystallization, and Burning from party members.
Party members not affected by these statuses have 5~8 VIT for 60 seconds.
4 50~80 0F + 1V 3 Supportive
Lauda Ramus-icon.png Lauda Ramus
50~80% chance to remove Silence, Sleep, Stun, Mandragora Howling, and Deep Sleep from party members.
Party members not affected by these statuses have 5~8 LUK for 60 seconds.
4 50~80 0F + 1V 3 Supportive
Oratio-icon.png Oratio
Has a 45~90% chance to reduce Holy element resistance of enemies in a 15-cell radius around you by 2~20%. 10 36~62 5 2 Active
Praefatio-icon.png Praefatio
Casts Kyrie Eleison on party members in a 18-cell radius around you. +2% absorption limit for party member affected. 10 60~150 1F + 2V 13~40 Supportive
Renovatio-icon.png Renovatio
For 90 seconds, non-Undead target recovers 3% HP every 5 seconds. Deals (Caster's Base Level x 10) + (Caster's INT) damage to Undead target. 1 30 2F + 3V 1 Supportive
Sacrament-icon.png Sacrament
For 60~180 seconds, target ally has -10~50% fixed cast time. 5 100~180 1F + 1V (0.5) Supportive
Silentium-icon.png Silentium
Inflict Silence status to foes in a 4~8-cell radius around you for 20~60 seconds. 5 24~40 0F + 4V 15 Supportive

Equipment Skills

Skill Description Levels SP Cast Time Cool down Type Equipment
Odin's Power-icon.png Odin's Power
For 60 seconds, +70 Equipment ATK and MATK. -20 Equipment DEF and MDEF. 1 70 Instant Instant Supportive Bible of Promise (1st Vol.)
For 60 seconds, +100 Equipment ATK and MATK. -20 Equipment DEF and MDEF. 2 Supportive Bible of Promise (2nd Vol.)

Further Reading

Should contain a list of links that are relevant to the class, such as:

  • Healing
  • Party Dynamics
  • Status Effects
  • Elements
  • Crafting
  • etc.