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Revision as of 15:45, 27 May 2015

Job Base(s): Dancer
Job Type: 2-2 Transcendent
Changes At: Juno
Number of Skills: 6
Total Skill Points: 31
Total Quest Skills: 0
Job Bonuses
+6 +14 +2 +5 +16 +2


Everybody loves the Gypsy's dancing, especially her enemies. It's the last thing they see before they go to their graves with a smile on their lips and an arrow through their hearts. The Gypsy is so alluring that hundreds of acts of heroism (and foolishness) have been performed in her name. With more lithe and agile bodies granted by the gods, Gypsies are hard to resist especially when one begins her dance. Not a single drop of sweat can be seen. Every dance and movement seemingly effortless. Graceful dance is her specialty, dancing gracefully to lure the monster to its death with the newly acquired Arrow Vulcan and Tarot Card of Fate skills.

Job Change Guide

To become a Gypsy, you must find a book called 'the Book of Ymir' in 'Sage Castle', Yuno. The book will lead you to Valhalla so you can change your job through the Gypsy Job NPC. Also you must reach at least Job Level 40 as a Transcendent First Job character. Reaching Job Level 50 first is strongly recommended, as the player will never be able to recover the extra job levels / skill points after the job change.
Trans classchange 1.gif Trans classchange 2.gif
1. 'Sage Castle' is located at 11 o'clock direction( 88,320) in Yuno. 2. 'Book of Ymir' is located inside a room behind an NPC called 'Metheus Sylphe' (yuno_in02 88,164).
Trans classchange 3.gif File:Gypsy classchange 4.gif
3. 'Book of Ymir' (yuno_in02 94,206) will teleport you to Valhalla. 4. Find and talk to the Job NPC suited to your Second Job.