Flip the Coin

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Revision as of 08:44, 2 August 2016 by Terpsichore (Talk | contribs)

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Flip the Coin-icon.png Flip the Coin
Type: Supportive Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 2
Cast Delay: ASPD based
Target: Self


Consumes 1z to flip a Coin. If it lands showing heads, the caster will gain 1 Coin, but if it shows tails, the caster will lose 1 Coin. The caster can have a maximum of 10 Coins, and increasing this skill's level raises the success rate of flipping a Coin that will show heads. Gunslinger Coins are displayed as glowing orbs around the caster. This skill can't fail once Rich's Coin is learned.
